Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Repossession Ukdont Lose Property For A Loan

Writen by Natasha Anderson

You pledged your property to the lender for a loan and got the much-needed amount from him. Now the lender is after your property. He is threatening to take steps for repossession of the property that you placed with him as collateral. Cases of the repossessions are rising alarmingly in UK. It is high time that borrowers think over this growing problem of theirs. Repossession cases in UK are on the rise because consumers borrow so much that at one stage they are in no position to repay loan installments.

As a result of mounting consumer debts the incidents of repossessions have increased alarmingly in the UK. According to one estimate more than 50 percent increase has been recorded in home repossession orders in recent times.

Lenders filed nearly 30000 applications in the courts for repossession in just three months ended September 2005. This is a whopping 55 percent increase over the same period last year. Out of the applications filed, the courts granted a total of 19687 orders for repossession. In rest of the cases the court allowed the borrowers to stay in their homes provided they clear the repayments.

Repossession of a property that is put as a collateral with the lender takes place when the borrower fails to make payment under a loan agreement. The creditor who is entitled to repossession usually does it through an agent. After the property has been finally taken in possession the lender goes for selling it in a commercial manner to regain the money he had loaned to the borrower.

It was way back in early nineties that cases of repossession and bankruptcies mounted up in huge numbers due to rocketing interest rates.

Today, the interest rates are comfortable enough for the consumers. Still, repossession cases are on the rise. This is because of increasing use of credit cards for shopping and the tendency to go for a loan for every need. So best policy to avoid repossession is that when you go for a secured loan option, borrow only up to your immediate needs. This makes repayment of monthly installments a lot easier and you pay it on time as well. Secondly, start paying off previous debts slowly and steadily. See which debts you can clear right away. Get rid of high interest rate debts. Pay them off through the debt consolidation route. Take the debt consolidation loan at a lower rate of interest so that your monetary outgo remains minimum. Once previous debts are off your head your financial strength increases steadily.

When you fear repossession of your property, talk with your lender and tell him about your problems and that how you can repay the installments if given more time. Show him your new plan of repayments. In most cases lenders are sympathetic towards their customers.

Repossession though has become a huge problem in the UK; still the borrowers can tackle it with ease if they keep a tab on their growing expenditure. Taking loan is no sin but a careless attitude towards ones financial matters surely is.

After having herself gone through the ordeal of loan borrowing, Natasha Anderson understands the need for good quality loan advice. Her articles endeavor to provide you the wise counsel in the most elementary way for the benefit of the readers. She hopes that this will help them to locate the loan that beseems their expectations. She works for the UK debt consolidation web site uk debt consolidations.

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