Thursday, February 5, 2009

Loans For Pending Lawsuits

Writen by Kevin Stith

There are many types of cases that qualify for loans for pending lawsuits, including personal injury cases such as automobile accidents; malpractice as in medical-legal, accounting, or construction; wrongful termination; discrimination; harassment; and much more. Lawsuit funding is available in most states and can be a very beneficial source of funds.

The fees charged by lawsuit loan companies can vary dramatically but it is usually best to stick with the larger companies, like Global Financial ( because their larger volume of work allows for lower pricing. Usually a funding company will charge either a monthly fee or a flat fee depending on the risk associated with the claim.

Claimants should ask themselves one question before applying for a cash advance against their pending claim; will the advance received pay the immediate and necessary living expenses? A cash advance should be accepted only if the answer is "yes." If the answer is no then it might be wise to hold off and wait before applying for a lawsuit loan or cash advance against a pending claim. In addition, a lawsuit loan may be a very important tool when the defendant's insurance carrier decides to make a lowball offer for settlement in the claim. The claimant can then use a lawsuit loan as a financial tool to say no to the lowball offer and have the financial strength to wait for a higher and fairer settlement.

If a plaintiff takes a cash advance against the pending legal claim and the claim is then unsuccessful, the plaintiff gets to keep the money that was advanced. Thus the cash advance guarantees that the claim will be financially successful either by way of the cash advance or by way of settlement or judgment.

Most of the companies advance clients and attorneys the funds they may need while their cases are pending. This can eliminate any uncomfortable ethical questions between the client and the attorney. Companies allow the attorney to complete his or her case strategy, helping to avoid early and less profitable settlements. Some companies assess the qualifications of the case within 48 hours after receipt of the required case file material. If approved, the check is often sent the very next day.

Lawsuit Loans provides detailed information about lawsuit loans, lawsuit loan companies, lawsuit loan services and more. Lawsuit Loans is affiliated with Viatical Life Settlement.