Thursday, January 22, 2009

Debt Consolidation Loans

Writen by Joanne Elizabeth

As the name suggests, debt consolidation loans are meant for consolidating your multiple loans into one loan. Many of us fall into debt traps because of our spending habits. We take several loans and find in the end that they have become difficult to manage for us. A debt consolidation loan helps in such situations.

There are two types of debt consolidation loans available: secured and unsecured. You can borrow a secured debt consolidation loan only if you have some property to offer as collateral to the lender. Secured loans pose almost no threat to the lender because of the collateral he possesses. If the borrower fails to repay, his property could be sold off by the lender to recover his money. Secured debt consolidation loans have many advantages for the borrower also. The terms and conditions of such loans are easy. The interest rate is lower and as a consequence the monthly instalments too come down. The repayment term is also longer than usual.

In the case of unsecured debt consolidation loans, it is the lender who faces the risk. In case of non-payment he has very few options against the borrower. Since the lender is at a risk, he frames strict terms and conditions for the borrower. The repayment term of such loans is short. As a result, the monthly instalments go up. The interest rate is also higher than that of secured loans. These loans, however, are disbursed very quickly because there is no evaluation of property and, as a result, very little paper work.

Other advantages of debt consolidation loans are:

• One monthly payment
• Reduced interest rate
• Freedom from multiple creditors
• Credit record improvement

It is advisable that you compare the best lenders of UK before applying for a debt consolidation loan. Applying online is also better as it will save you a lot of time.
