Saturday, December 27, 2008

Tips For Saving Money While Consolidating Your Debts

Writen by N.Kishore Sahu

You have decided to consolidate your debts with a debt consolidation loan. The idea behind it is to pay of your existing debts and to make your repayment easier and convenient. You think any debt consolidation loan with a lower interest rate than the present ones will serve your purpose. Wait! Think for a while, when you want to consolidate your debts and in the process want to save money from your repayments then why not utilise your financial resources properly and save the maximum money out of it. There are various lenders who can provide you a CHEAP DEBT CONSOLIDATION LOAN at a lower interest than the debt consolidation loan you are considering to avail.

You can avail a cheap debt consolidation loan at an unimaginable rate of interest by systematic planning and research work. Understanding the loan approval process will help you in getting a CHEAP DEBT CONSOLIDATION LOAN. Your loan approval depends on various factors like your credit history, your financial stability, capacity to provide collateral, the loan amount required etc. Let's discuss some of these in detail:

• Credit history: Your credit history plays an important role in loan approval. Applications with good credit history are approved quickly whereas an applicant with bad credit history needs to give lots of explanations for his defaults.

• Financial stability: Your capacity to repay depends on your present earnings and the assets you have. So your financial stability will determine your loan approval and the rate of interest. Lenders are liberal with people of good financial stability.

• Collateral: Lenders are at lower risk while providing loans to people who offer collateral because in case of defaults the collateral can be repossessed. So people who provide collateral have a better chance of loan approval at lower rate of interest.

• Loan amount: Applications for high amount loans have chances of getting huge rebate in interest because it gives high revenue to the lender in terms of interest charged.

• Lender: The competition in the in the market has compelled lenders to look for a niche in the market. Always look for a lender who specialises in cheap debt consolidation loans.

Keeping the above factors in mind while applying for a cheap debt consolidation loan will help you find a loan at lower interest so that you can save a large chunk of money.

The author is a business writer specializing in finance and credit products and has written authoritative articles on the finance industry. He has done his masters in Business Administration and is currently assisting Shakespeare Finance as a finance specialist.

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