Saturday, September 20, 2008

Is A Cheap Rate Loan Worth The Trouble

Writen by John Mussi

With all of the different kinds of loans that are available, one can only wonder if a cheap rate loan is worth the trouble it takes to obtain. After all, there are plenty of questions that will arise as well as financial information that you will need to provide before a lender will even consider offering you a loan. Whether you apply in person or online, the process will be the same.


No matter where you choose to finance your cheap rate loan, there is no avoiding the fact that you will need to provide various types of information, not the least of which is proof of identity in the form of a driver's license, passport, military identification, or other acceptable identification. In addition, the lender may request a copy of your tax identification number and proof of income. As time consuming and humiliating as it may seem to provide private information as though your financial stability were an open book, it is required for any cheap rate loan you may desire. Even if you are looking for another type of loan, the lender is going to ask for documentation for certain personal and financial items, and if you choose not to provide the information, the lender is not obligated to grant the loan.

What information is really necessary?

How much information you need to provide to a lender is contingent on the company policy of an individual lender. Some may only require proof of identity and residence, and others may require proof of income. Even if you have good credit, you must keep in mind that it is still the lender's call whether to grant the loan, and if you are unwilling to provide the documentation they require, they are in no way obligated to provide the loan that you desire. Whether you are applying for a cheap rate loan in person or online, the same rules will apply; the only difference between the online regulations and in person is how the information is presented to the lender. In online loan processing, it is communicated to the lender either by email, fax, or postal mail, whereas in person loans are presented in person to the lender.

Is my information safe online?

When you are searching for a cheap rate loan over the Internet, the question of security always comes into play. If you exercise caution, there is no more a chance of you information being compromised than if you gave it to a loan officer who passed it on to his assistant to research and investigate. You have to make sure that any information you transmit over the Internet is done only on a secured site as shown by closed lock in the lower part of the website. If you do not see this icon that denotes a secure site, do not enter any personal information into the website, but contact the lender to inquire about another method of transmission. You also want to make sure that your system has a firewall and other security features that prevent hackers from knowing you are online and thus intercepting what you are doing.

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About The Author

John Mussi is the founder of Direct Online Loans who help homeowners find the best available loans via the website.

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