Saturday, August 2, 2008

Get Yourself Out From The Quagmire Of Credit Take A Secured Debt Consolidation Loan

Writen by Pranav Das

With the world witnessing an unprecedented growth in urbanisation there are significant changes in our lifestyle. Our lives have become much faster than they used be some decades ago. Today we have to run for everything. We wake up early in the morning, get fresh in hurry, run to our respective workplaces and return home again in haste in the evening. You have to handle both your personal and professional life with equal efficiency but it hardly happens.

Many of us fail to keep up with things attached to our personal life such as our finances. We most often fail to repay our debts or forget to pay credit card bills. The problem becomes severe when interest rates and the principal loan amounts become so huge that we are unable to pay them back. Availing a secured debt consolidation loan is a wise option in such a case.

Secured Debt Consolidation Loans are those loans that are specifically meant for consolidating all your debts into a single manageable loan. If you avail such a loan, you are free from the hassles of making multiple payments to different lenders. In stead you pay only a single installment to your lender and save a good amount of money. This is because paying different interest rates to different lenders costs you much more than what you pay to a single lender with low interest rate.

The major benefit of a secured debt consolidation loan is that it is charged with a low interest rate. Since the loan is a secured one you offer collateral, which is usually your home to the lender. The lender, being assured because of the collateral, charges you a low interest rate. You can also fix the monthly installments and repayment duration according to your suitability.

Secured debt consolidation loans are also available for people who have a poor credit record. Generally, lenders hesitate to grant loans to bad credit borrowers but with collateral as guarantee, they sanction secured debt consolidation loans at low rates.

So, if you are trapped in a vicious cycle of debt, you have a lot of arrears due on you and your credit card company is sending you legal notices, it's high time that you avail a secured debt consolidation loan. With regular payments to your creditor you can also improve your credit record which may prove useful for you in the future.

Author: The author is a business writer specializing in finance and credit products and has written authoritative articles on the finance industry. He has done his masters in Business Administration and is currently assisting E-secured-loans as a finance specialist. For more information please visit: