Wednesday, July 16, 2008

How To Compare Personal Loan Quotes

Writen by Sarah Dinkins

Interest Rates

There are many ways of calculating interest rates. The APR (Annual Percentage Rate) includes interest rates and other fees and costs on an annual basis. However, you will also hear about a monthly interest rate (and probably find it more useful in certain occasions). The APR is the most inclusive rate and shows most of the costs associated with the loan on an annul basis. However, even the APR can't show the implication of some loan terms costs which cannot be pondered without consideration of the individual requesting the loan or just cannot be calculated on an annual basis.

You need to be aware that some loans offer an introductory interest rate which after a period of time is changed for a higher interest rate. An average of these two rates will be found on the small print of the loan offer due to legal reasons. However, the higher rate may turn the monthly payments unaffordable for you and the information of the average rate useless.

Monthly Installments

If you really want to know how the loan will affect your finances you'll probably want to compare the monthly installments you'll have to pay with your income. You should then request the lender to provide the loan amortization schedule. This table will show you over the whole life of the loan, the amount of each one of the monthly payments you'll have to cancel.

Moreover, it will also show, the amount of money and percentage that is being destined to cancel interests and principal. This information has economic, legal and tax implications that cannot be covered in this article and should be discussed with professionals. Nevertheless, the figures will give you an idea of the loan costs in terms of interests on each month as well as the amount of principal you will be cancelling.

Other Fees and Costs

There are also other fees, costs and even rates not included in the APR. If you happen to miss payments or pay late, you'll incur in penalty fees. These fees vary from one lender to another and should also be considered when requesting a loan. Also, once you've missed a payment, some lenders raise the interest rate charged for the loan or add up to it an additional punitive interest rate that turns the loan more costly.

You may think that you won't have to worry about penalty fees since you won't pay late or miss payments. Truth is that everyone who has, thought the same. Nevertheless, there are other things to be aware of: There are transaction fees, closing costs, administrative costs, legal fees, etc. that may or may not be included in the APR. Make sure to request the lender detailed information of all the fees, costs and rates you'll have to pay and to offer you that information in written. This way you'll be able to easily file a claim if a discrepancy arises.

Sarah Dinkins is an Expert Loan Consultant at where she helps people to repair their credit and to get approved for home loans, unsecured personal loans, student loans, consolidation loans, car loans and other types of loans and financial products. Also at her website, articles plenty of useful articles can be found with more professional advice on the financial field.